Macedonian Honey

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Пчелата и цветот – љубов која вечно трае
Пчелата е најефикасниот опрашувач во природата. Речиси сите растенија (84%)
на планетата го продолжуваат својот живот заради пчелата.
Проектот “Bee-Line” е проект за изработка на едукативни материјали за училиштата со цел да се објасни важната улога на пчелата за човекот и неговиот опстанок на планетава.
The bee and the flower – a love that lasts forever
The bee is the most effective pollinator in nature. Almost all plants (84 %)
on the planet they continue their lives because of the bee.
The Bee-Line project is a project to produce educational materials for schools in order to explain the important role of bee for human and its survival on the planet.


Buckingham Palace has a secret place only for bees.

The Queen of England’s favourite honey is the honey from her garden. Interview with John Chapple, Chief Royal Beekeeper English Queen Elizabeth, who turned 93 a week ago for honey from “royal” bees, says that it is very beautiful and is part of her breakfast
urban beekeeping in London dates back to the 1990s. Only from 2008 to 2013 there is an increase of 200%.
In the gardens of Buckingham Palace there is a part inaccessible to thousands of tourists where the baskets are placed. John Chapple, who was also President of the London Beekeepers Association, has been the Queen’s chief beekeeper since 2009. There is a pond in the garden, and in the middle of it there is a small island, a paradise for bees. There are more than 350 species of wildflowers and 600 plants on the island, producing excellent honey. With only 2 baskets, in the first season they collected 83 jars of honey, while the next with 2 more baskets they collected 160 jars of honey. Honey is multiflora pure and golden in color is sufficient for kitchens in royal households. The queen is said to enjoy honey as an integral part of her breakfast. Her verdict on honey? Very beautiful.
John Chapple is also responsible for the other 40 baskets distributed in other royal parks such as Regent’s, Hyde and St James’s.