We learnt much about tortoises in these years we have lived here. When we set him and Pru his lady and the little baby tortoises who had been given to us free, James arranged a feeding station for them and also a container so they had something to drink. We kept an eye on them and continued to top up their lettuce, strawberries… and other and of course the water, not regularly so they did not become reliant on us, it
worked! The pictures on the right speak for themselves.
A Hermann’s tortoise’s diet consists of vegetation. Good foods include dandelion, clover, honeysuckle, leafy salads, watercress, curly kale, brussel tops, spring greens, coriander, parsley, rocket, carrot, parsnip, courgette and bell peppers. The bulk of the vegetation should be leafy greens.

The boys are doing well, Malcolm and Liam have taken to lettuce, tomatoes are juicy and they love them. I have added parsley, kale and when I can find some clover which has not dried up. I am growing weeds…, carefully watering them, to eventually add those to their diet. They love their sunbathing, so they are getting their UV naturally without those lamps one needs in the UK. Time is moving on, July is really hot not a drop of rain in site, clearly not until early September we are lucky. It is July the 15th 2013, the weather is very hot about 37 degrees going up now in the latter part of July and August to above 40 degrees C. Rain, well there has been little to almost none since May, we had a drop yesterday with a thunder cloud passing by.