Ecohouse Risan is energy efficient, sustainable, cool in the summer, warm in the winter.
Built to the German Passivhaus Standard, a build to this standard was very difficult, as in 2013 not many suppliers for this design lived in Montenegro. Builders, with sustainable knowledge, energy efficiency, workmen, who were used to walk in sandals, no hard hats, one really did not need those, it was difficult, but we were determined we could do it.
German suppliers had started to work using the Passivhaus standard with Belgrade firms, a larger country, Montenegro was still a dreamland.
We found our way to learn about energy efficiency and sustainable build , by attending many Passivhaus Conferences in Germany and Austria, how to build a passive house from 2010 on-wards. We learnt the standard offers quality construction, unparalleled levels of comfort, superior air quality, lasting energy. Our EcoHouse design utilises natural sources of heating and cooling, such as the sun, solar panels, and air conditioning. It is built to the German Passive House Standard.

Passive Haus is a voluntary standard for energy efficiency in a building, which reduces the building’s ecological footprint. It results in ultra-low energy buildings that require little energy for space heating or cooling.The EcoHouse is positioned on its site, built almost into a mountain to achieve the correct position so that the south faces the sun. The building purists would say that additional heating systems are unnecessary as the inherent design, high insulation and air-circulation provide all the heat one needs.
Passivhouse buildings are so well constructed, insulated and ventilated that they retain heat from the sun and the activities of their occupants, requiring very little additional heating or cooling. Passive House is the future! published on 19.07.2020